Girls Bravo Season 2

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  • dalethedino

    Girls Bravo Season 2

    I realise not many people here can read this and if someone could translate this question to lithuanian then translate the answer back into english it would help.

    will the people at anime zona do english subtitles of girls bravo season 2?
  • KazE
    Forumo vilkas
    • 2003 09 22
    • 139

    Autorius dalethedino
    I realise not many people here can read this and if someone could translate this question to lithuanian then translate the answer back into english it would help.

    will the people at anime zona do english subtitles of girls bravo season 2?
    No or at least I didn't heard anything about it ... but no
    reason: AnimeYuki is doing GBS2 and they have uncensored version
    AnY torrent site:
    And don't worry they will translate GBS2 even tho it's licensed (they're from Australia ^^') Forum link
    "While we�re living | The dreams we have as children | Fade away


    • dalethedino

      I knew that animeyuki had done episode 1 (as i have already downloaded it) but i assumed that since it has been 11 days since they released the first episode that they had stopped, because in that time it was liscensed.

      I didn't know they were Australian based (like me) I just get worried when anime is liscensed in the USA because I don't even have the option of buying it. about 5% of us liscensed anime series are readily available here, and most of them are pokemon and dragonball .


      • animefreak

        Is kur pasisemt stiprybes ir baigt ziuret GBS1 nu ner motivacijos
        Nebent su lietuviskais subais ziuret, bent kulturinis sokas istiks


        • DJ
          • 2002 02 20
          • 87

          na aš tai laukiu Live Action


          • Dramblys

            Gerai vienu zodziu sitas anime pats geriausias ir taskas visas pirmas sazonas CooL maciau jau ir antro 1 serija bet kaip bebutu gala primaisyta dar daugiau hentai alementu bet vestiek fainas anime -=pats geriausias ir taskas=-
            Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Daan; 2005-03-01, 07:14.


            • animefreak

              Autorius Dramblys
              Gerai vienu zodziu sitas anime pats geriausias ir taskas visas pirmas sazonas CooL maciau jau ir antro 1 serija bet kaip bebutu gala primaisyta dar daugiau hentai alementu bet vestiek fainas anime -=pats geriausias ir taskas=-
              Nusipirk ezio kalade ji pati pigiausia
              idomu kuo si anime tokia gera? Kur kraujas, smurtas ir prievarta


              • Dramblys

                Autorius animefreak
                Nusipirk ezio kalade ji pati pigiausia
                idomu kuo si anime tokia gera? Kur kraujas, smurtas ir prievarta
                Jei manai kad tai butinai turi tureti geras anime tu labai klysti tada tau patarciau ziureti tokias nesamones kaip dbz ir pan. Kaip jus nepavargstat nuo tu begaliniu kovu vienas per tapati o sitame anime nera jokiu kovu fainas linksmas ir kaskart nauja nesikartoja o tuose tavo taip megstamuose sleseriuose kaskart gelbsti pasauli ar dar kokia nesamone taspat per tapati


                • Dramblys

                  E kas zino kada bus antra serija nes labai bjauru laukt kai kasnors suzinosit butinai parasykit ir is kur siustis antras sezonas tikrai fainas


                  • Dramblys


                    Jau pasirode antroji serija jos torent faila galima parsisiusti is siulau visiem paziureti!


                    • winsonkoh

                      Girls Bravo Second Season EP08

                      Autorius Joon
                      It's been 42 days since we released episode 7, but now we proudly present Girls Bravo Second Season 8.

                      We have been slow because most people in this project had exams. Now enjoy one of the most ecchi anime since animation was created (not hentai).



                      Direct Downloads! Click link below to download:

                      (30 days to expire from 20 JUNE - 19 JULY 2005)



                      Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Svečias; 2005-06-20, 11:02.


                      • Sable
                        The Hitchhiker

                        • 2005 03 11
                        • 1530

                        O as ir galvojau: ko taip letai? Nors pats anime nera is mano megstamiausiiu, bet kazkaip nesinori baigt ziuret ipusejus.


                        • fullmetal boy



                          • Tacumas

                            O tai ar GBS 3 pasirodys?


                            • KazE
                              Forumo vilkas
                              • 2003 09 22
                              • 139

                              smarkiai abejoju, man va idomiau ar manga su anime toj pacioj vietojs baigesi, jei ne tai tada butu galima mastyt o te dabar ;]

                              check da fing out officiali pvc statulele ->
                              me nori jos
                              Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo KazE; 2005-07-08, 16:20.
                              "While we�re living | The dreams we have as children | Fade away

