Unexplored world. L's world

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  • Laarf

    • 2009 06 23
    • 79

    Unexplored world. L's world

    Pries pradedant jum skaityt , ispeju, kad tai nera labai linksma, nera yaoi, jokio hentai ir panasiu nesamone. Taipogi nevisi gali suprasti.

    Unexplored land

    I will take you to a journey. In your worst dreams you haven't thought about a place like this. You want to know what it is? Well, wait a second. You need to be patient.....

    Calm down...
    breathe deaply....
    close your eyes....
    listen to your deepest voice....
    Forget that you exist for now...
    let strange feelings to float into your veins...
    let go of yourself....

    Dont be afraid, i will be taking your hand, so you won't get lost. Come... to my world...

    Now you can open your eyes. No, Stop! I feel that you are overwhelmed by your thoughts. Just stop thinking, atleast for a moment.
    Now you can open your eyes.

    Welcome to my world. Explore it as much as you like. But, remember one thing : don't judge before you will understand it completely.

    I have to warn you. Dont wander off too far away , you may not like what you can see there.

    I wish you good luck and i will go. I need to finish something. Maybe we will meet somewhere in my mind.

    Journey starts from here.
    You enter the city through the gates of silver. There is a sign near the gates: "If you are really determined to go further, then don't forget to leave your humanness outside. You won't need it. "

    Take a look around. You see little village surrounded by forest and lakes. You glance at the building, which looks different, like it was taken from another world and doesn't fit here. Your legs starts running toward the building. There is a big sign on it :"L's deepest thoughts". Suddenly you stop, the voice deep inside says:" You can't enter yet, too soon".

    Tower is situated near that weird building. When you enter it, you get amiable feelings. Go upstairs. Passage is full of pictures with mystique beasts. You entered the room. In front of you there is an intricate gear. At first sight it looks old, but it works well and never stops. On the wall, next to the mechanism, is written :"Brains of everything. Don't touch it or it will fall apart".

    Somehow you feel uncomfortable like you are being watched . You take a quick peek at the room. Your stare stops at the door. There are two little eyes looking at you. They look interested but at the same time and frightening. They dissapear. You can't move. Your face goes pale! "STOP IT!" Voice within you gets stronger :"Don't let humanness to take control over you".

    You start running down stair, desperatly looking for those eyes, wanting to understand them. Someone takes control over your body, and you start running to the forest. Run and run and run. Finally, you slump because of the exhaustion.
    The little creature starts pulling your arm , trying to help you to stand up.
    You hear it's thin voice, but creature's lips isn't moving :"go out of here, run, its not safe for you. L's world is dangerous for commoners".

    Everything changes, it gets dark. Forest fills with mystical beasts. Everyone stays in shadows. You can hear their evil laughs. Start running back to gates. But somehow you run into that weird building which doesn't fit with the village.
    Climb the stairs. It gets darker and darker. You hear harsh voice, but different from the earlier :" HOW DARE YOU ENTER HERE! GET OUT". You enter the room. The creature which is sitting near desk slowly looks at you. It's eyes is full of hunger and spite. It slowly starts talking :"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Now leave, you stayed here too long. Now you know too much."

    You start running until you have reached the gates. Took a quick look backwards. Village looks warm and peaceful . Gates closes.

    Welcome back, did you enjoy your visit? Well, from your expression i can judge that you won't be coming back.

    Don't be afraid to go to your deapest and darkest places.Explore yourself.
    Now it's time to go to your world, isn't it?

    Paskutinis pakeitimas nuo Laarf; 2009-06-24, 10:14.
    ▲ ▲
  • Dark-Tarou
    I'm a woman on a mission

    • 2008 07 14
    • 486

    Išties išpradž pagalvojau perskaičius tekstą, kad erm... Ir kame čia esmė? Bet paskutinė pastraipa viską išaiškino, taigi dėkui jai.

    Tikrai gerai panaudota anglų kalba, rišli ir pan, BET su keliom stilistinėm: they look interested but at the same time and frightening. (aš tikiu, kad rašiai skubėdamas, bet siūlau tą "end" ištrint xD) It dissapears. (jeigu jau įvardinai akis kaip they, tai ir toliau jos they turėtų būti, bet ne it) ir gramatinėm, kelias kaip tik atsimenu, kaip: žodis 'jų' rašosi their ne there (čia ir manau iš skubėjimo xD), How dear (dare) you to (to nereikia) enter. Na negaliu aš nepataisius xD

    Šiaip tikrai gražiai aprašyta istorija, tik aš nesuprantu,o prie ko čia būtent "L"?
    /// http://dark-tarou.mybrute.com


    • Laarf

      • 2009 06 23
      • 79

      L = Laarf .

      Cia yra mano vidus.

      Perzvelgsiu tavo pastabas
      ▲ ▲


      • n'Huun
        Solid aggression.
        • 2009 06 12
        • 72

        Patinka man toks tavo stilius. Bet man neužteko to ka tu parašei. Viskas vyko pernelyg greitai kad būtų imanoma pasimėgaut... Tikrai norėčiau kad kiekvienas simboliškas tavo pasaulio lopinėlis (miškas, kaimas, namas "iš kitos vietos") būtų aprašytas išsamiau... O dabar tai buvo tik lašas viskio su ledukais... Toks nepakartojamai aštraus ir tik padidinančio troškulį skonio.
        Carpe diem... and place no trust in tomorrow.

        Metallica - ...And Justice for All...


        • Meduteja

          • 2009 03 29
          • 35

          Grazu.Man patiko


          • ~~Aki~~

            Manau ta pati ka ir n'Huun. Visgi sis darbas visai neblogas.


            • Laarf

              • 2009 06 23
              • 79

              Autorius n'Huun
              Patinka man toks tavo stilius. Bet man neužteko to ka tu parašei. Viskas vyko pernelyg greitai kad būtų imanoma pasimėgaut... Tikrai norėčiau kad kiekvienas simboliškas tavo pasaulio lopinėlis (miškas, kaimas, namas "iš kitos vietos") būtų aprašytas išsamiau... O dabar tai buvo tik lašas viskio su ledukais... Toks nepakartojamai aštraus ir tik padidinančio troškulį skonio.
              Sia visa esme. Nereik duot daug pirma karta, kad noretu veliau. Nes jeigu gaus per daug, tada jau nebesinores.
              ▲ ▲


              • Eglaya

                • 2005 07 22
                • 561

                Šiaip gražu, bet kodėl angliškai? Aš, aišku, neturiu nieko prieš. Bet tai... gal ir laisvai skaitosi, bet matosi vis tiek, kad mąstymas vis dar lietuviškas. Ir klaidų yra, nors aš esu grammar nazi, tad^^;; And then again, you can't improve unless you make mistakes Carry on.


                • n'Huun
                  Solid aggression.
                  • 2009 06 12
                  • 72

                  Autorius Laarf
                  Sia visa esme. Nereik duot daug pirma karta, kad noretu veliau. Nes jeigu gaus per daug, tada jau nebesinores.
                  Gal norėjai pasakyti jog "Reik duot mažai pirmą kartą, kad norėtų vėliau"?

                  O šiaip jai tai turėjai uomeny tai sutinku su tavim. Bet neversk žmonių ilgai laukt, nes laukimas atbaido susidomėjimą.
                  Carpe diem... and place no trust in tomorrow.

                  Metallica - ...And Justice for All...


                  • Laarf

                    • 2009 06 23
                    • 79

                    As sios istorijos tesinio nerasysiu. Dabar galvoju kokia kita ideja.
                    ▲ ▲


                    • bronzine
                      music freak *

                      • 2009 04 12
                      • 149

                      geras man patiko ;DDD
                      kiek tau metu kad taip rasai? ;DDDD
                      if life gives u lemons...
                      then make a lemonade ;3


                      • n'Huun
                        Solid aggression.
                        • 2009 06 12
                        • 72

                        Autorius bronzine
                        geras man patiko ;DDD
                        kiek tau metu kad taip rasai? ;DDDD
                        O amžius kanors reiškia kai žmogus rašo iš širdies? Manau kad ne.
                        Carpe diem... and place no trust in tomorrow.

                        Metallica - ...And Justice for All...


                        • Laarf

                          • 2009 06 23
                          • 79

                          Autorius bronzine
                          geras man patiko ;DDD
                          kiek tau metu kad taip rasai? ;DDDD
                          Pakolkas 16.
                          ▲ ▲

